Walking Through Trauma Fields

I want to share what's been going on with me recently, mainly so that people who've been working with me, or following my journey and work over the years can understand where I'm at right now. I've always aimed to be as open and transparent as possible, but more importantly because I see the universality of this process that I find myself in too. And so I hope this blog post can be helpful to others, to encourage us all to lean into what life calls of us rather than trying to find a way around it or even try to bypass it altogether. I encourage you to open up further instead of withdrawing and closing off from a painful process or part of yourself. It's the opening that leads to greater strength and clarity, greater freedom and grounding in one's Self, greater acceptance and love. But I also recognise we are each only able to open when we're able to open, just as the fruit falls from the tree when it's ripe. So this transmission of words is to all of you that find yourself in a position of ripeness. A position of life asking to meet whatever darkness…

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What Do I Need to Do During the Transmission?

"What do should I be doing during the Divine Light Transmission?" is a question I get asked frequently so I just thought I'd take a moment to answer in a video... Enjoy 🙏 But as a recap: Be open and receptive - say a big 'yes' in your heart o receive what is in your highest good and in service of awakening. Sit comfortably, eye closed - eye closed is a personal preference as I find it settles you down and brings the attention inward. Have the attention lightly on the felt bodily experience rather than in the mind of judgements & analysis - this means let come what comes, let go what goes and try not to judge what is happening or even look for something that you think 'should' be happening! Rest - it helps with integrating the energy into the body. The 15 minutes of silent sitting meditation afterwards is for this purpose too, but take some extra rest if that feels good to.

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Time For Another Change: Divine Light Transmission

Tldr: I'm dropping the term 'Shaktipat' in favour of using 'Divine Light Transmission'. I go into why below but I know there may be some questions and judgements that come up around this, I ask that you take the time to read... or if you'd prefer I have a video of me reading this post on YouTube - HERE -- Along this journey since I started BeyondImogen.com back in early 2016, I've come to several inflection points where I've found myself pivoting or changing directions. I think it's a very natural part of life and of growth, and I always hope to do it with Grace, authenticity, transparency, love, and care. While some might find making pivotal changes easy and with a blink of an eye, for me the process generally seems to require time and patience while a certain change of direction unfolds - I'm more of a slow and steady kind of gal apparently .¯\_(ツ)_/¯ This is one of those points, and I tell you, each time it happens I see it happening and feel it deeply in my heart looooonnng before any readiness or action takes place on the surface level. But I finally feel like the…

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