Imogen & Scott Turner Discussion

This was a 1-1 session turned interview/discussion with Scott Turner at the beginning of March 2021 after he attended a 3 day Diving Deep Retreat in February. Scott had asked to do an interview for his YouTube channel and this private session turned somewhat into that so we decided to publish this instead. I mention this as this was a semi a-typical session. Normally the focus is much more on the direct exploration of Self, rather than answering general questions, but it was a very interesting discussion and talks a lot to the specifics of the Divine Light Transmission that I give.... raw and unfiltered.

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Conversations & Questions: 21/04/20

Q: How does one receive a transmission? How does one receive anything? Practically speaking nothing need be 'done' to receive a Divine Light Transmission (Shaktipat), other than a general 'yes' and open-heartedness to life's possibilities - I'd say this is true for receiving anything, from love to physical gifts and help, or even hard lessons in life. To receive is to be open and humble to receive. A Divine Light Transmission doesn't require your belief or faith per se, more an openness (even just a little will do) that goes beyond non-belief as this can deliberately close you off energetically to the potential spiritual growth that can come through a transmission - or any other form in life for that matter! I myself was incredibly skeptical, but still open to the possibilities transmissions before my own direct experience became the testimony for its potency and lasting transformation in my life. It took me by surprise, and often still does... But I get the sense you're asking a different kind of question here, a deeper more existential one that requires a more nuanced response. Transmission from the non-dual view of reality So... how can one 'receive' a transmission if this is…

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