Self Love Bottoms Out in Unconditional Acceptance

You may feel unworthy of love, but let me remind you that you ARE love. Love courses through your very being. It is the fabric of your existence. To say you are unworthy of it is like saying the sky is unworthy of being the sky because it has clouds in it. Just because life shows up in a multitude of ways, some of which we deem 'bad' does not make you unworthy of love. In fact it makes it all the more necessary to discover the underlying truth of that love that pervades all, that is the groundless ground of it all - the bedrock of existence. It becomes all the more vital to discover the ground of your love so that you don't get caught in the belief that this or that thought or action IS all there is to you. Make no mistake, your messy humanness IS part of your divinity. It's a part of your story, your path, your love song, just as a knot in a tree trunk is part of the tree. But the thing that courses through your veins and through your very being, IS LOVE. So you might ask how do I…

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Healthy Boundaries

When others insist on trying to instilling their judgements and opinions and ideas of how things should or shouldn’t be done it takes a certain amount of courage and fire to hold your boundaries, to not abandon yourself but instead to hold and trust yourself while still staying open hearted and compassionate towards them. To stay true to your own direct experience and to trust that even while staying open to hearing what they're saying or pointing to. It’s all too easy to close the heart as a way of protection but for me this is where relative boundaries of the physical and psychological variety play a beautiful and powerful role. Learning to have good and healthy relative boundaries allows one to fall further into the open spiritual heart, the boundless and all encompassing heart of love beyond even ideas and concepts of love. Love as the subject or description/fragrance of the Self, not as an object or action undertaken fleetingly. This kind of love holds room for even very strong boundaries to push against each other. This kind of love holds room for, but is not eclipsed by even strong conditioning and coercive projections that may be headed your…

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You Are Love

Love feels like the greatest risk but is in fact the greatest reward, because love itself IS the reward. Love cannot be taken away from you, only the seeming objects of love can come and go. But love is the SUBJECT, YOU are the subject. YOU. ARE. LOVE. So let love flow. Let it not be about the object. Let love be about YOU, that tender expression of love that you are. Let yourself BE with and as love itself. Let yourself open and flower to your own love, even when there is fear there too. Let yourself keep opening and opening to yourself, so that you may see that love is just the flow of life, the flow of Self back to the Self.

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Am I Enough?

It's hard to believe that we just have to be ourself and that is enough. It's enough to include all that we are and exclude none of it. Most of us feel that life requires the opposite of this, and so to have that recognition "that I am enough" feels like a miracle, a miracle that we doubt all too easily as not being true. But it is it nonetheless, that we get to be who we are, entirely ourself, no bells or whistles and this is enough, this is it. It's a wonderful realisation because at the end of the day that's all we've got anyway. When we've been stripped of all ideas and ideals of everything we think we 'should' be and left naked standing here as we actually are. We never think that which we are could be loved, or maybe even liked if we show the entirety of ourself. We feel that for sure we have to work very hard to not be this or that part of ourself. But life teaches us that if you learn to love all of YOURSELF, you are free. And in that freedom, those that gather around you, will love…

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All Encompassing Love

Make friends with that aspect of yourself that you are rejecting or avoiding, those aspects that you judge or deem unsavoury. That which we reject are often those aspects that require the most love, the most compassion, the most kindness, the most attention in-order that they be integrated into the wholeness of our Being. Those gnarly, messy, 'bad' rejected bits of ourselves are often being called to be transmuted into acceptance and love. For love is the greatest power in the universe. Love has the power to move beyond all seeming boundaries and inhabit every aspect of life. Love has the power to transcend any sense of separation or 'other-isation'. Love has the power to encompass it all. So fall in love with all of yourself, all of life, and you will see that that love is eternal and ever-present even in amongst the mess.

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Loving Boundaries

"Love sometimes looks like having strong boundaries" Story time... Boundaries are something I've always struggled with, in fact it's probably been THE number one struggle in life for me. While it's almost unrecognisably night and day compared with how it used to be, I still do struggle with it because that conditioning is so well ingrained. But luckily life shows up in ways to test where I still have trouble standing in my healthy and necessary boundaries. And so boundaries is a topic I've shied away from writing about up until now, not because I don't want to (believe me I've started to write about boundaries countless times!) but mainly because it's such a big topic for me that I didn't even know where to begin - posts ended up rambling and jumping all over the place. I think it's also difficult because I'm still walking it, I'm still living the learning and growing from it. It's raw, it's intimate, it's a big unknown because I'm not talking of a subject that's all wrapped up in a neat bow, it's woven throughout the fabric of my story in ways that I'm sure I haven't yet gotten the big enough perspective…

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Current Times: Practical Advice

Boy oh boy it's been an intense year so far! I've noticed a massively heightened presence of energy in myself and had others report the same since around the end of January, before the covid-19 situation really took hold in much of the world. But I had no idea what was coming and it's become the new norm, the energetic intensity and the ground shifting beneath the feet, only time will tell where or if it will settle. Overall I feel there's also a beautiful opportunity right now to face the things that are being forced to the surface of experience, many of which were always already lurking in the shadows, with compassion and kindness - both on an individual level and a collective or global level. I've actually been blown away by the kindness and love I'm seeing on both small and large scales, it's incredibly heart opening and beautiful to see that our nature of love shines through in times like these. The ground is shifting quickly beneath our feet and that mirrors the process of awakening in a way. It's the dissolution of the certainty and assumptions of stability that were being falsely held on to, falsey…

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