Conversations & Questions: 08/08/22

Q: What's your take on following a transmission and resting? It does appear to have an impact on the system, I slept when I returned home for 3-4 hours. Imogen: Yes, the transmissions can have an impact on the body in terms of the rest needed afterwards - many people report needing sleep/rest afterwards. Water also helps a lot to process energies. As I see the process: There are deep, fundamental energetic movements and openings happening to the entire system as a result of the transmission/attunement, even if we don't see or feel it obviously on the surface level. There's an integration period of the newly assimilated vibrational energetic footprint within the system - some call it a 'shift in consciousness'. Whether that be temporary or abiding, the most intense and tender part of this integration is immediately afterwards - hence recommending rest & water. The impact and dawning implications of a 'shift' like this can go on for days, weeks, months, even years afterwards, our system adapts for the most part very well. But yes, this is why I recommend resting for at least 15 minutes immediately after the transmission. Rest is our body's beautiful mechanism to process life,…

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Letting the Old Fall Away

Transformation comes when the old conditioning and ways of thinking that inevitably cease to serve are let go of. Their cracks begin to show, yet there's still comfort felt in them as they're known like an old pair of slippers whose time of service has come to an end. But when life is calling for growth and change these old habits being to feel like an increasingly heavy straightjacket, keeping one foot planted in the past. We are never who we were even yesterday and that which may have served us dearly invariably has to be sacrificed in service of what is happening in the current moment. A step into the new and unknown may seem like a scary risk but let your loyalty be to the NOW. Let your loyalty be with what is opening up before you and you will see the fruits of this trust in life's wisdom. Even though there may be trepidation, notice how fully you are held. Life comes up to meet you with each step, even when there's fear, even when there's hesitation, even when there's resistance. Life asks of us that leap of faith, that bold courage as we let ourselves be…

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