Sessions are generally between 1-2 hours, most typically 1.5hrs.

Let me know if you have any particular time constraints at the start of the session, but even so I recommend allowing for a minimum time of 45 minutes.

In short, no 🙂

I do recommend finding a comfortable private spot where you won’t be disturbed or too distracted. A good internet connection is also desirable.

The first session I typically like to get to know you a little so I know where you’re coming from, any understanding, spiritual practice or experiences are all helpful so we can avoid talking at cross-purposes. But I meet you exactly as I find you, no preparation or prior experience necessary.

More information about this can be found on the Divine Light Transmission webpage.

But the general gist of it is sit quietly, comfortably, open & receptive and… relax, as if you were getting a massage or sunbathing on a beach. In your heart give this divine light permission and a big ‘YES’ to work as needed in service of your awakening.

After the session I recommend taking some additional time to sit or lay down quietly or meditate so that the energy of the Transmission can integrate in the body.

Divine Light Transmissions are powerful energetic transmissions of Source Energy/Divine Light with the aim of expanding ones level of consciousness and awakening to the truth of ones Self. As such they are not to be undertaken without this knowledge of their potential, as awakening has long lasting impact on all areas of life.

Anyone who is earnestly engaged on their spiritual path can received Divine Light Transmissions. Whether you’re just starting out, a seasoned seeker, or even post-awakening, they can be supportive and helpful on your journey.

However, because they are a strong catalyst of awakening I do not give Divine Light Transmissions without permission/consent from the recipient.

I also typically do not give transmissions to under 18’s except under rare circumstances. People with a history of severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia or bipolar are not recommended to receive Divine Light Transmissions. I also do not recommend receiving a transmission if you are actively engaged with certain recreational drugs, particularly psychedelics.

This Divine Light Transmission is a gentle but powerful transmission of spiritual energy that helps to opens the crown chakra and other energy centers and dissolves the deep-seated I-thought. No ill effects have been reported. Some people will experience a coolness in their head, pressure or maybe even the presence of a white light. Some also experience things such as energy and/or heat in the body, opening of the heart, calming of the mind, spontaneous twitches or movements in the body are also normal. There are also those that experience nothing particular during the transmission, so whatever your experience is or isn’t it doesn’t reflect the effectiveness of the transmission at all. We each get what we need.

Everyone’s experience is uniquely different, but as with any spiritual energy work there is a possibility of the releasing of old traumas and built up stresses which we have often been avoided or protected by the ego/mind. So after receiving the transmission for some there may be a period of adjustment (or ‘purification’) where it can be sometimes intense or even unpleasant. Of course, as with everything, “This too shall pass”. 

However people with a history of severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia or bipolar are not recommended to receive this Divine Light Transmission, but please talk to me about your specific history if in doubt.

I also do not recommend receiving a transmission if you are actively engaged with certain drugs, particularly psychedelics. We just can’t know how they will interact.

If you have any questions or concerns about any of this please email me to discuss them. Also please read the Disclaimer.

This is a hard question to answer. It very much depends on what you want to get out of the sessions with me. But generally I see rapid change in people who have committed to this process in an ernest way.

Some people come to me to help them ease their general suffering and unease with life. Many come because they are at the end of their seeking journey and are ready to awakening to their nature of awareness-consciousness. Others come in search of support post-awakening embodiment – which in many ways in my favourite work as I feel there is so much need for it at this time.

Amount of sessions just really depends on where someone is and what they are coming to me for. Some I meet regularly for weeks or even months, others it’s just a few sessions and then we’re done. Then there are those that just come sporadically when something particular is coming up. Some I only see once. I always say to people trust your process, use your intuition… I leave it up to you to know what’s best for you in terms of sessions.

But just to say, as far as awakening goes… There can be no guarantees of timings or timescales as it’s a uniquely personal journey for each and every one of us… we all have our own personal ‘timing’ in life. In my experience it’s rare to meet someone who is ready (or ripe) and at the end of their seeking journey and so stabilises in abiding Nonduality after just a few sessions, but it does happen. For most it will take more sessions and transmissions.

The biggest thing I can impart is that if you are serious about Self-Realisation… be earnest and open, go all in, and go all the way 🙂

While the energy, Divine Light (Shakti/Energy) or Pure Unity (Nondual) Consciousness is the same, each transmission can be experienced slightly differently in that we all get what we need in that moment. The Divine Light Transmission does what it needs to do, moves where it needs to go in each one receiving it.
As the facilitator for this process (let me be clear: it’s not ‘my’ personal energy but divine light/source/shakti energy) I also let the energy and intuition move me too. During the transmission as I come to notice something in a person, an energetic block, density or knot maybe, I bring my attention and focus to this area with love and with the intention of helping facilitate the softening, dissolutions and integrations of what is occuring.
I start of each Divine Light Transmission with a prayer. Each time it changes slightly as I let the words move and speak through me, but they all have the same general theme and flavour – An intention(s) for those receiving the transmission as well as gratitude, deepest reverence and total surrender to life, to the Divine. It’s then that I formally give my personal self over to life as it works through me in the form of a Divine Light Transmission.

Divine Light Transmissions are a universal energy of Divine Light and as such are without location. There’s been great success in receiving the benefits of this Transmission, whether it’s been in-person, through a zoom video chat, or even remotely with a photograph. Distance is no barrier. I’m generally located in the UK at the moment and so when arranging a session note that my time zone is London Time (GMT/UTC+0 or BST/GMT+1 in the summer months).

Yes, I regularly offer group meetings which include group Divine Light Transmissions.

On Wednesdays I host a 30 minute Divine Light Transmission & Meditation on Zoom at 19:00 UK time, and on Sundays I host Satsang at 16:00 UK time followed by a 1 hour Divine Light Transmission & meditation on zoom. The full details can be found at beyondimogen.com/zoom-group.

As well as the weekly zoom groups I also hold one-day Intensives as well a longer five or 10 day retreats.

More info on the schedule of events and how to join can be found on the ‘events‘ page.

If you have a group that would be interested in hosting me either online or in-person just get in touch.

Retreats & Intensives

For retreats and intensives I do offer photo transmissions for those that are unable to attend sessions in person.
These are intended for when someone is in a different timezone and sleeping, therefore I don’t recommend them for during activity but please use your own judgement on this.

Group Meetings

I do not offer remote photo transmissions for all other group meetings at this time.

1-1 Sessions

I will on occasion offer photo transmissions, particularly if we have had 1-1 video sessions before or you have attended group meetings and/or retreats.
Please contact me via email to discuss the possibility of a remote photo transmission for you.

If you would like to arrange an opportunity to attend intensives, retreats or Sunday Satsangs in-person at my home in Tenby, Wales (UK) get in touch with me.

I am also open to the possibility of 1-1 sessions and personal retreats in-person.

Please note that you will need to be responsible for your own accommodation, transportation & food.

Please get in touch if you think you’d be interested in joining me in-person.

Yes, group meetings, retreats and intensives are all recorded and by attending them you automatically agree to have your voice and/or image used for the public sharing of Satsang. It’s your responsibility if you don’t wish to be recorded to turn your camera and mic off and submit questions through email before the meeting or the chat window during. In the zoom chat box if you send a message to everyone I will read out your name, if you send me a direct message I will keep your question or comment anonymous. For the Divine Light Transmission portion of the meeting I do recommend that your video be turned on as this makes it much easier to connect with your energy, but I don’t ever share the recordings of the group view of transmissions, the camera remains on me only.

Unauthorised personal recordings are not allow.

1-on-1 sessions are also record unless otherwise requested by you. I generally don’t keep a copy for very long but they’re recorded for mainly two reasons.

The first reason being that you can request the audio file if you wish – please do this during or immediately after our session, like I said I don’t generally keep them for long. I just ask that you keep it for your own personal and private use and don’t share with anyone else.

The second reason is for the purpose of my ‘Conversations & Questions’ series (https://beyondimogen.com/categories/articles/conversations-questions/) which comes from transcribed and edited snippets of conversations taken from questions in the comments of social media, emails, 1-on-1 sessions, group meetings or in-person conversations. I take out any personal or sensitive content, even changing the questions to be broader and more universal where appropriate. But often these conversations have a universality to them that can be really helpful to more than just one person. All is used with the utmost care, sensitivity and consideration, and where applicable I will inform you when something is being released publicly.

If you have any other questions that haven’t been answered here, feel free to drop me a line via the contact form.