The Heart That Knows

Poetry for the heart, from the heart

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The Heart That Knows

Poetry for the heart, from the heart

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Let us sit together under the stars
and share our sorrows and our joys

Let us be reminded that
every sacred human expression
holds such wisdom within it

It is the way in which the Self
comes to know itself
through this painful, beautiful
and heart-opening dance that is life

This is true love
to taste the Self
in all the myriad flavours of existence

May we come to rest in the knowingness
that all that we are
is worthy of this dance

This love

This life

~ Imogen ~

Available on Amazon worldwide in both print and ebook formats from 24.04.24

An audio version will be released later in the year.

“The Heart That Knows” invites the soul’s surrender through exquisite verse. Imogen Webber’s debut poetry collection maps life’s journey into the awakened heart – from ecstasy to agony and beyond. Her poems guide readers into realms of deep experiential insight, offering an truthful exploration of the human condition that leaves the heart cracked open.

More than just poetry, this work acts as a potent transmission for seekers of truth. By fully immersing oneself, one can emerge transformed, attuned to life’s secret meanings. “The Heart That Knows” holds up a sacred mirror to the awakened heart for those willing to venture within, offering a profound journey of self-discovery through soulful, transformative verse.

If you would like to purchase a copy of either the paperback print book or ebook directly from me get in touch. 

Paperback: £10.29 GBP, $12.99 USD, €11.99 Euros + shipping fees
ebook: £6.99 GBP, $8.99 USD, €8.49 Euros