Summer Solstice
Divine Light

with Imogen & Martyn

Thursday, 20th June
8:00pm - 8:30pm UK time (BST)

Summer Solstice
Divine Light

with Imogen & Martyn

Thursday, 20th June
8:00pm - 8:30pm UK time (BST)

A rare opportunity to experience a powerful Divine Light Energy Transmission with both Imogen & Martyn in honour of the summer Solstice.

If you would like to learn more about Divine Light Transmissions click here>

Join This Event

This event will be held on the Zoom video conferencing platform and is open to all.

Zoom ID: 5925868041
Passcode: grace

The zoom meeting room opens 15 minutes early so we can sit together and sink into the space beforehand.

No admittance after 8:00pm UK.


There is a suggested donation of £10-20 for this event
(Donations are very welcome but not required)

This event is recorded, but only Imogen & Martyn’s sound and video – you will not be captured on the recording.