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Shifting Winds

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Lately I’ve been feeling a shift of the winds, a pivot coming. It’s been present for many months but feels more tangible and imminent than it has done. I feel I must name it as I’m not sure what 2025 will look like for me in terms of my work. I do know that I have gone through, and am going through constant change in how I am in the world and consequently how I’m approaching this work/role and my relationship to it. This may not directly translate in a change to my offerings, but it might well do. We shall see……. I’ll let you know when I do.

Soooo… I say all this because I wanted to give you a heads up that I have decided to close my 1-1 sessions calendar for 2025 for now until it feels clearer as to my direction. If you want to book a session before the end of the year I suggest you do so sooner rather than later as it’s already booking up. My calendar is currently open until 19th December.

After the 10-day winter retreat (27th Dec – 5th Jan) there will also be a limited number of 1-1 sessions open to retreat participants ONLY, from 7th-10th January. Beyond that I can’t say when or what format 1-1 session will be on the cards, the same goes for group events.

To see what events are planned between now and the end of the year –
Wednesday’s 30 minute transmission is the next group event on 20th November at 7:00pm UK.

Let me know if you have any questions that I can answer about any of this. I’m sure it will also come up for discussion in the next Satsang on 24th November.

With love,
Imogen 💗

[Photo by my beloved Martyn, who has been my constant companion these last 20 years – Happy Anniversary to us today!]

Addendum 24/11/24: Here’s the video of the Satsang following this announcement –

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