Group Transmissions

Yesterday this came through around the impending restarting of group transmissions this Sunday. The transmissions are in some ways entirely changing as I myself having gone through a deeply transformative time recently in what now seems apparently in preparation for this next step. There was an intense and painful lifting out of what feels like the last layers of deep trauma in my system so that the open field that is accessible to me is very firm, stable and vast. With this, the frequency and lightness of the transmissions have now moved into a different place, and I feel that when we come together the effects of this type of supportive and sacred environment allow for this lifting out of deep collective trauma and densities of conditioning for those participating in the group. There's a washing away of trauma, a purification of the system, that allows for not only the seeing and coming into who you and what you are, but the opening up of Self beyond self. The opening up of Self even beyond the ideas of awakening and enlightenment. I act as a link in the chain or vessel for this transmission to be held and seen in…

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What Do I Need to Do During the Transmission?

"What do should I be doing during the Divine Light Transmission?" is a question I get asked frequently so I just thought I'd take a moment to answer in a video... Enjoy 🙏 But as a recap: Be open and receptive - say a big 'yes' in your heart o receive what is in your highest good and in service of awakening. Sit comfortably, eye closed - eye closed is a personal preference as I find it settles you down and brings the attention inward. Have the attention lightly on the felt bodily experience rather than in the mind of judgements & analysis - this means let come what comes, let go what goes and try not to judge what is happening or even look for something that you think 'should' be happening! Rest - it helps with integrating the energy into the body. The 15 minutes of silent sitting meditation afterwards is for this purpose too, but take some extra rest if that feels good to.

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‘Beyond Imogen’ Interview by Renate McNay

So I did a thing and here it is… an interview with Renate McNay for Conscious TV.
It’s honestly something that was scary and uncomfortable for me from the get-go, sending my comfort zone running out of the building for its dear life because this thing was not something that I’d ever imagined or wanted for myself. But life these past years has very much been about stepping out of the way, taking the handbrake off and TRUSTING life fully.
And guess what… I actually ended up really enjoying myself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I want to thank Renate for so gently and kindly supporting me through this process, making it so easy and enjoyable. I’ve loved getting to interact and know you a little these past few months, and I’m honoured to join the ConsciousTV family.
I hope you all enjoy it <3



Link to transcription on ConsciousTV –

Renate: Welcome to ConsciousTV. My name is Renate McNay and my guest today is Imogen Sita Webber and we are still in the corona time and Imogen is in Wales and I’m in Oxfordshire. So, it’s a completely different experience, interviewing on Zoom, not quite sure about it – so let’s try it.

Imogen: Yes

Renate: So, I’d like to start with a little bit looking into your story and how you became who you are now, a spiritual teacher, well, you call yourself a spiritual mentor. And Imogen is also a writer, a brilliant writer, there’s lot of wonderful things to write on your website and you give Divine Light Transmission, and we find out a little bit later what that is. And, so you grew up with the understanding everything is consciousness. (more…)

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Time For Another Change: Divine Light Transmission

Tldr: I'm dropping the term 'Shaktipat' in favour of using 'Divine Light Transmission'. I go into why below but I know there may be some questions and judgements that come up around this, I ask that you take the time to read... or if you'd prefer I have a video of me reading this post on YouTube - HERE -- Along this journey since I started back in early 2016, I've come to several inflection points where I've found myself pivoting or changing directions. I think it's a very natural part of life and of growth, and I always hope to do it with Grace, authenticity, transparency, love, and care. While some might find making pivotal changes easy and with a blink of an eye, for me the process generally seems to require time and patience while a certain change of direction unfolds - I'm more of a slow and steady kind of gal apparently .¯\_(ツ)_/¯ This is one of those points, and I tell you, each time it happens I see it happening and feel it deeply in my heart looooonnng before any readiness or action takes place on the surface level. But I finally feel like the…

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Conversations & Questions: 21/04/20

Q: How does one receive a transmission? How does one receive anything? Practically speaking nothing need be 'done' to receive a Divine Light Transmission (Shaktipat), other than a general 'yes' and open-heartedness to life's possibilities - I'd say this is true for receiving anything, from love to physical gifts and help, or even hard lessons in life. To receive is to be open and humble to receive. A Divine Light Transmission doesn't require your belief or faith per se, more an openness (even just a little will do) that goes beyond non-belief as this can deliberately close you off energetically to the potential spiritual growth that can come through a transmission - or any other form in life for that matter! I myself was incredibly skeptical, but still open to the possibilities transmissions before my own direct experience became the testimony for its potency and lasting transformation in my life. It took me by surprise, and often still does... But I get the sense you're asking a different kind of question here, a deeper more existential one that requires a more nuanced response. Transmission from the non-dual view of reality So... how can one 'receive' a transmission if this is…

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My Role

There's so much focus on enlightenment and awakening in the abstract. In the projected ideas and ideals of what people, seekers, see in their idolisation of gurus, teachers and enlightened sages. In the goals and focus of wanting never-ending bliss and happiness, and superhuman abilities and powers because they think that's what it's all about. The person becoming bigger and better, the person becoming enlightened. But what is enlightenment really about? What happens when someone awakens, how will their expectations match the reality? This is what I'm interested in, exploring this, the lived experience, the embodiment of awakened living. Not the projected and imagined experience and the constant trying (and failing) to match up to this - but the actual lived experience. That lived experience can't be codified, it's a moment to moment exploration without rules. It's a free-fall through the groundless experience of life. As a spiritual mentor I'm not interested in making promises, I'm not interested in creating students who feel they need to learn from me, I'm not even really interested in 'awakening people' as a goal. I'm interested, or rather I find myself being called to be totally present to those that find themselves knocking on…

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