Radical Honesty
Excerpt taken from the May 23rd, 2021 Sunday Satsang talking about the need for radical honesty along the spiritual path of awakening, and the need to have your loyalty be to your direct experience not your conditioned ideas.
Excerpt taken from the May 23rd, 2021 Sunday Satsang talking about the need for radical honesty along the spiritual path of awakening, and the need to have your loyalty be to your direct experience not your conditioned ideas.
Video excerpt taken from the Satsang of the May 9th, 2021 One Day Intensive talking about the middle way that includes it all.
An interview with Simeon for the Seeker to Seeker Podcast where we speak at length about the shadow and the journey of embracing it. We talk about the nature of awakening and also about the role of relationships, intimate and otherwise, on the spiritual journey... among other things ;)
Interview for the April 17th, 2021 Summit "Know Yourself - simply as this" by Susan Hill, of WoW Peace. The title of the talk was "Know Yourself - Integrating Humanity" where we talk about knowing yourself as the all-encompassing awareness. And how integrating all of life is a process and a healing of the body mind.
Video excerpt taken from a Sunday Satsang talk on April 25th, 2021 talking about karma as it pertains to non doership.
Excerpt taken from the April 2021 Diving Deep 5 day retreat talking about the dawning recognition of non doership and the implications of this, the place for different spiritual teachings and practices, yet the transcendence of them too, and the bliss of tasting and accepting all textures, all experiences of life.
Excerpt talking about being with what we're feeling and recognising that there's nothing wrong with feeling the way we do feel.
A Guided Meditation taken from the March 14th, 2021 Sunday Satsang taking you from the sense of overwhelm to boundless awareness and peace.
Excerpt taken from the February 14th 2021 Sunday Satsang talking about how to be with resistance so that we may welcome all of our experience into the present moment.
Excerpt taken from the January 10th Sunday Satsang talking about how when we let things fall apart we can see our true nature, that which does not fall apart.
This was a 1-1 session turned interview/discussion with Scott Turner at the beginning of March 2021 after he attended a 3 day Diving Deep Retreat in February. Scott had asked to do an interview for his YouTube channel and this private session turned somewhat into that so we decided to publish this instead. I mention this as this was a semi a-typical session. Normally the focus is much more on the direct exploration of Self, rather than answering general questions, but it was a very interesting discussion and talks a lot to the specifics of the Divine Light Transmission that I give.... raw and unfiltered.
Excerpt talking about listening to the whisper of the heart in order that we might know the purpose of life. Taken from the December 2020 Diving Deep Retreat.
Excerpt talking about love and welcoming all aspects of life into that flow of love. Taken from the February 14th, 2021 Bi-monthly Sunday Satsang.
Excerpt talking about finding those 'shoulds' that cause so much suffering and learning to trust life, trust your Self rather than acting from old conditioning. Taken from a Satsang during the December 2020 Diving Deep 7 day retreat.
Video excerpt talking about how to be with what's here, more than just holding space. Finding a deeper clarity and higher resolution for that which afflicts us. Also touching on what I mean when I speak about the spiritual heart. Excerpt taken from the December 2020 Diving Deep 7 day retreat.
Video excerpt taken from the December 2020 Diving Deep 7 day retreat
Video excerpt talking about going from doership to seeing there is no doer taken from the Sunday 13th December 2020 Bi-monthly Zoom Group Satsang.
This video contains an excerpt of a Satsang from the September 2020 retreat talking about Happiness, the Self as a container for seeming paradoxes and Divine will.
Video excerpt talking about how seeing is the only doing necessary, taken from the Sunday 13th December 2020 bi-monthly zoom group Satsang.
Video excerpt taken from a Satsang during the November 2020 Diving Deep Retreat.
"What do should I be doing during the Divine Light Transmission?" is a question I get asked frequently so I just thought I'd take a moment to answer in a video... Enjoy 🙏 But as a recap: Be open and receptive - say a big 'yes' in your heart o receive what is in your highest good and in service of awakening. Sit comfortably, eye closed - eye closed is a personal preference as I find it settles you down and brings the attention inward. Have the attention lightly on the felt bodily experience rather than in the mind of judgements & analysis - this means let come what comes, let go what goes and try not to judge what is happening or even look for something that you think 'should' be happening! Rest - it helps with integrating the energy into the body. The 15 minutes of silent sitting meditation afterwards is for this purpose too, but take some extra rest if that feels good to.
An excerpt from the May 24th Sunday Zoom group talking about how it takes courage along the spiritual path. Details of the Sunday Zoom Groups and other events can be found on the 'events' page. The YouTube link to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rqGUB0IPEU&t=1s
A video excerpt from the June 14th Sunday Zoom Group. The questions that were asked were: Are you always good with what life asks from you? Do you still like the change or development? Details of the Sunday Zoom Groups and other events can be found on the 'events' page. The YouTube link to this video: https://youtu.be/tg6saIOIzTo Transcript of Excerpt I'm always sort of advocating and saying how important I feel acceptance is in life. That acceptance of what is. But what does that look like practically speaking, when life is sometimes asking something of you, as it invariably does. Asks you to drop something that's not working anymore. Or step up to something that quite clearly your life is moving in that direction. And then you get things like resistance coming in and you get the mind kind of analyzing and going, "should I do this? Should I do that?" But this is the way life is moving and so that question sort of sparked this feeling of you know, it's very well and good saying you should accept whatever is coming up in your life. But does that mean that you don't have resistance? That you don't…