“What do should I be doing during the Divine Light Transmission?” is a question I get asked frequently so I just thought I’d take a moment to answer in a video… Enjoy 🙏
But as a recap:
- Be open and receptive – say a big ‘yes’ in your heart o receive what is in your highest good and in service of awakening.
- Sit comfortably, eye closed – eye closed is a personal preference as I find it settles you down and brings the attention inward.
- Have the attention lightly on the felt bodily experience rather than in the mind of judgements & analysis – this means let come what comes, let go what goes and try not to judge what is happening or even look for something that you think ‘should’ be happening!
- Rest – it helps with integrating the energy into the body. The 15 minutes of silent sitting meditation afterwards is for this purpose too, but take some extra rest if that feels good to.