My Heart Breaks, I Pray for All

What is going on in the world affects us all on many different levels, both seen and unseen. For me, what's currently happening also feels a touch personal, closer to home in some small way. I made the mistake of going on social media today, barely a moment in and I realised this was not the place to be, not for me, not right now. Especially during a retreat, the very thing I advise people against during a retreat! So here I am instead, on - my little nook of the internet. I'm not sure if this post will ever make it elsewhere. -- I am horrified by what is going on in the world on all fronts. The divisiveness, the hate, the lines we have drawn in the sand, too many to count. It all feels impossible. How can we make our way through all of this? What is to be done? Today is the anniversary of my grandmothers death. She walks with me closely still to this day. In someways closer than ever... but that's a story for another day. My grandmother's family were Ukrainian Jews, my grandfather's, Russian Jews. The current war between the two was…

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The Power of a True Companion

To be in a close and sustained relationship with another that provides a clear mirror and crucible for burning through all that you are not is one of the greatest blessings of this temporary dream we call life. There is not a moment in life that I am not cognisant of this gift that life brought me in the form of Martyn, my husband. We have been together for 19 years and there's not a day that goes by that I am not filled to the brim with gratitude for him and for our relationship. Life in many other ways has brought great aloneness, challenges and heartbreak in my life. Life lessons that required me again and again to chart my own way, to walk through the darkness towards my own light. It has not been easy. It is still not easy. To have no path, to have no-one else to rely on in that sense. My life again and again goes through cycles of birth, death and re-birth, sometimes faster than a breath that causes such whiplash. Sometimes years upon years in the making that it feels never-ending. Much of it goes unseen to the world, except to those…

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Energetic Blocks: An Entry Point of Further Wisdom Learning

I often get asked about how to resolve blocked chakras or knots of stagnated energy in the system. My current hypotheses based on my experience working on the energetic level both with myself and others over the years is that I see energetic 'blocks' less of something in your way that needs to be gotten rid of or fixed, and more that there is a contraction of energy, or an unknown/unseen aspect of our experience where there is something we have not been (yet) able to meet with open hearted and loving curiosity. To me 'blocks' are actually where life is calling our attention to. An entry point of further wisdom learning. Contractions where our natural free flow of energetic movement is hindered somewhat for a time. It's not a mistake, it's life's conditioned response and actually a way of protecting us until we are ready and able to move through and be with that particular thing; When there can be capacity to hold it in a bigger context of Self, a bigger context of unconditional love and acceptance. We can learn from these blocks if we don't demonise them from the get-go as something that "shouldn't" be there. If…

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Evolving Beyond Old Structures

It is a time of great evolution, a time that asks us to go beyond the collective structures that bind us to the heavy ties of past traumas and energetic imprints. We can awaken to our nature, our Self, our transcended reality, but to embody the wholeness of that realisation, that remembrance, we must root out, wash away and dissolve these old energetic fields and densities held within us. Every organ, every cell, every form, every mental reference point must be liberated from our primary orientation to these structures, so that we may embody the full capabilities inherent to us as spirit, in form. This process is not an easy one. The crumbling of structures that have imprinted within themselves even the subtle, slippery belief of the necessity for these very structures. So stepping out of this feels shaky and even wrong. But even though it may feel shaky and unknown there is a deep remembrance of the necessity and more than that, entire correctness of this process. The casting off of these heavy fields is a task that has to happen, but the cost of it feels insurmountable whilst still standing within the structure - like a heavy cloak…

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Know Yourself – Simply As This | Interview with Susan Hill

Interview for the April 17th, 2021 Summit "Know Yourself - simply as this" by Susan Hill, of WoW Peace. The title of the talk was "Know Yourself - Integrating Humanity" where we talk about knowing yourself as the all-encompassing awareness. And how integrating all of life is a process and a healing of the body mind.

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Imogen & Scott Turner Discussion

This was a 1-1 session turned interview/discussion with Scott Turner at the beginning of March 2021 after he attended a 3 day Diving Deep Retreat in February. Scott had asked to do an interview for his YouTube channel and this private session turned somewhat into that so we decided to publish this instead. I mention this as this was a semi a-typical session. Normally the focus is much more on the direct exploration of Self, rather than answering general questions, but it was a very interesting discussion and talks a lot to the specifics of the Divine Light Transmission that I give.... raw and unfiltered.

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Keep Quiet; The Seeing Is the Doing

Keep quiet, let the mind flail around and burn itself out with exhaustion... you don't need to go to war with life, trying to subdue and submit it to some image of how it 'should be'. Eventually you’ll come to recognise the constant ground in all of this is you, awareness you. Awareness that holds within it all the multitudes and flavours of experiencing, effortlessly without tire. Keep quiet and this shall be known, the seeing is the only doing necessary, all else that you find yourselves doing is in support of that... every practice, every book, every teaching, every circumstance that life throws at you, every dead-end, every challenging relationship, every 'wrong' turn... all in support of life showing you the nature of life, showing the groundless ground of Being - Awareness. Consciousness. Self.

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Change Begins Within

I don't know about you, but I feel it's a very intense time right now calling for us, both individually and collectively to take a look at that which is in the shadows and bring it into the light so that it may be seen. We're being asked to stretch and change and grow, and that can get intense and uncomfortable. We're being asked to let go of the old and step into the new. Change is a beautiful opportunity, one that hopefully we're able to welcome and celebrate, even with the presence of discomfort and unknowingness. But change always begins within ourselves. Trying to enact change on a wider collective level from its own level can only ever provide a temporary bandage. Because then it becomes an imposition or a rule from the outside, rather than an emanation or reflection of the heart in how a person truly, naturally and spontaneously interacts and acts in and with life. It's not to say we should give up trying to make change and transformation happen in the collective, whether that be in our closer relationships, in our communities, in our societies, or on a global scale; but it's to say that…

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To Love It All

The arrogant one The fraudulent and untruthful one The one with complete lack of integrity The narcissistic and the deluded one The selfish and self-centered one The unjust and angry one The petulant and unreasonable one The unkind, uncompassionate and unloving one It is our job to make friends with all these aspects of our self and not just the aspects that are easy to love. It is our job to find love and compassion for those parts that are hardest to accept. To forgive ourselves for rejecting and excluding that which so desperately wants to find its place, its home too. This is the job of work to do. For if not now, then when? If not you, then who? This is where life is calling out in pain and suffering. To love that which is hardest to love, hardest to accept. To stand shoulder to shoulder, arm in arm, closer than close with the unloveable, unworthy, unsightly. To meet with space, and love, and compassion those aspects that feel unmeetable. For there is room for all in this vast space of being-ness, this constant changing play and display of life. "Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I…

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Unshakable Stability

Letting go of a specific image of safety and security is so tricky. But life calls this of us again and again when we get too comfortable putting our stability and sense of security into objects and ideas that in their fundamental nature can't provide that for us except temporarily.   Can you find your home, your safety, your energy and the warm embrace of love in something far more stable... your SELF?   It's to deepen and sink fully into that recognition and then all the other phenomena can and does come and go without the 'need' for you to depend on the ephemeral for any derived sense of stability and peace. Find that which is unchanging in your experience and it will lead you home to an unshakable okay-ness and acceptance of all that Grace presents you with on your path of life. True freedom.

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Notice and Return

You have all the tools, all the things you need in life. You are not lacking in anyway. You are not broken, you just need to accept all that you are... accept even the seeming imperfections into the wholeness and you will see that your light was there all along... hidden under the rock of self doubt, strategies and egoic-mind. But the light of your true Self is far too infinite and vast to be hidden by a rock. Emotions, traumas and experiences, all of it are life's way of showing you that it's alive and kicking. Don't be tempted to create separation where there is none. You contain multitudes and that's a beautiful thing...not something to run away from, minimize or control. But something to be embrace, accepted and integrated. When you notice the pernicious tricks of the mind creeping in, simply let go and return. Let go into the unknown. cast aside the tendencies of the mind to grasp and 'know'. Notice this dynamic and let go, anything other than this simple act is a distraction. So notice and return to the core of your being... everything you are, everything you think you need, right there at the…

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An Exploration of Vulnerability

This exploration of life requires great vulnerability, earnestness, openness, radical honest and deep inquiry. It’s a truly destructive process, one that burns everything that you are not with such a fire that not even a whisper of the false is left. But what this can mean is that which we hold so dearly, so tightly, for so long doesn’t fit into this new paradigm that is tenderly cracking open. Our once core beliefs and truths don’t feel like ours any more and so we’re required to drop them, to move on, to take a leap of faith into the unknown.

It’s this continuous release into the unknown where freedom lies. It’s not a position to take but a (more…)

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Personal ‘I’ vs Awareness ‘I’

There’s an assumption that when I say “you are awareness/consciousness” that I’m talking of I-personal/ego/individual I/you. Firstly I want to clarify that when I speak of I/me/you in conjunction with awareness I’m talking of the non-personal ‘I’ that is consciousness. That is awareness. The you (big Self, I-I) that IS awareness-consciousness.

It seems to be common that when someone realizes that who they took themselves to be (the mind-body ‘I’) is untrue, it’s seen that at the heart of experiencing there is nothingness/emptiness/awareness. This is true. But I urge you to not stop there, look/inquire deeper into this recognition.


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Bliss Beyond the ‘Happiness Bliss’

This is not the bliss of happiness; the fleeting bliss of phenomenal experience, that shows up when nothing is rocking the boat, the bliss that’s dependent on the content of life being wonderful. It’s something deeper, something more fundamental, something ever-present. It’s like an immovable mountain; the very ground you walk on. It’s peaceful beyond the word peaceful. It’s the very fabric of you.

I didn’t notice it much until now; there have been plentiful moments of the kind of happiness bliss that we all know about, both since this realization and throughout my whole life. But this…I’ve had hints of it, I’ve sensed its unceasing presence; it’s completely without words that can describe it. The nearest thing I know to say is to use the word bliss, but it feels far more primordial than that word can grasp.

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The Collision That Changed Everything

Two years ago today I collided with the Self, setting in motion the falling away of life as I thought I knew it to be.  I was smacked over the head with the realisation that who I took ’Imogen’ to be was false. There was in fact no identifiable 'solid' form of Imogen that could be found. It’s been quite a journey, a journey to realise that what I sought was always here, looking out at the unfolding of an apparent journey. Although I now see that that collision was ultimately a fleeting experience it was so dramatically felt that it changed everything. It changed my casual interest in spirituality into a search that left everything else in its wake. The abiding realisation of non-duality came about a year and half later. It’s been a constant learning and discovering of what it looks like to move in this life as a passenger rather than believing the illusion that I'm the driver. I’m still discovering the implications of this realisation and while all this may sound so far off and mystical, know that what I’m pointing to is in fact your very nature and you’re never NOT this. It’s just a matter…

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