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Into the Silence of Being

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There is a beauty beyond words in the silence of the heart—a silence that beckons us into the stillness of Being. In this sacred quietude, the noise of life softens, and we are drawn into an intimacy so profound it feels like a homecoming. This silence is not a mere absence of noise; it is the presence of something vast and eternal, a spaciousness where the Divine reveals itself in the most tender of whispers.

To merge with this silence is to merge with the Beloved, the essence of all that we are and all that exists. It is an undoing, a dissolving of boundaries and identities, where we no longer stand apart as seeker or observer but are absorbed into the embrace of the sacred.

When we rest here, we are no longer striving to become or to know. The mind’s questions fall away, not because they have been answered but because they no longer matter. This silence holds no agendas, no conditions. It simply is—radiant, alive, and brimming with the mystery of the Divine.

In this merging, the heart awakens to a knowing beyond the intellect. It recognises the Beloved not as something distant or separate but as the ground of its own Being. The dance of duality dissolves, leaving only the stillness of unity, the sweet simplicity of love without an object.

And yet, this silence does not ask us to abandon our humanness. It does not reject the noise of the world or the tender ache of our imperfections. Instead, it invites us to embrace them fully, to let even the messiness of life be held in the vastness of its embrace.

To be absorbed into the silence of Being is to remember that we are already whole, already one with the divine flow of existence. It is a surrender not of life but into life—into the heart of all that we are.

This silence is the great paradox: it is at once the end of seeking and the beginning of a love affair with the infinite. It is the descent into the depths of our own being and the soaring into the limitless skies of Divine Grace.

It is here, in this sacred stillness, that we come to know the true nature of the Beloved—not as an idea, not even as an experience, but as the essence of existence itself.

May we all find ourselves, again and again, in this silence of the heart, merging with the Divine, resting in the eternal presence of the Beloved.

Photo taken by Martyn at St. Non’s Well, Wales on our last trip there in November. A place dear to my heart and a place where silence envelopes me so easily. I look forward to my visit there tomorrow <3

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