Give It to the Heart

The grip of looking to the mind needs to be loosened, all needs to be given to the heart. All questions, all "need to know" when dropped innocently and openly into the heart of acceptance, the heart of awareness, will find their rest, will find their completion. From there we will notice that life will bloom and flow in all ways that it must. From there we realise that we have no clue, but thankfully enough, we have no need to have a clue. And so we start to really live life, we start to live life from the primordial ground of Being, not from the heights of the head that thinks it knows.

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Keep Quiet; The Seeing Is the Doing

Keep quiet, let the mind flail around and burn itself out with exhaustion... you don't need to go to war with life, trying to subdue and submit it to some image of how it 'should be'. Eventually you’ll come to recognise the constant ground in all of this is you, awareness you. Awareness that holds within it all the multitudes and flavours of experiencing, effortlessly without tire. Keep quiet and this shall be known, the seeing is the only doing necessary, all else that you find yourselves doing is in support of that... every practice, every book, every teaching, every circumstance that life throws at you, every dead-end, every challenging relationship, every 'wrong' turn... all in support of life showing you the nature of life, showing the groundless ground of Being - Awareness. Consciousness. Self.

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