M.P. | USA

When I first started working with Imogen, I was dealing with panic attacks and anxiety on an almost daily basis. Anxiety was a way of life for me for my entire adult life. I’ve been on the spiritual path for over 11 years and tried everything under the sun to try to “heal” my issues. 6 months ago, I realized that I was in a hamster wheel on my spiritual path and decided to have weekly sessions with Imogen. I finally got off the hamster wheel I was on, and let go of my panic and constant worrying.  I am more and more able to observe my thoughts without being swallowed by them. I’ve even had brief experiences of being completely detached from my thoughts and body. I’m still working with her and still am growing and progressing. If you feel stuck, then I highly recommend working with Imogen. She’s the best mentor I’ve ever had and helped me evolve in ways I cannot explain in words.  –  Apr. 2020