Evolving Beyond Old Structures
It is a time of great evolution, a time that asks us to go beyond the collective structures that bind us to the heavy ties of past traumas and energetic imprints. We can awaken to our nature, our Self, our transcended reality, but to embody the wholeness of that realisation, that remembrance, we must root out, wash away and dissolve these old energetic fields and densities held within us. Every organ, every cell, every form, every mental reference point must be liberated from our primary orientation to these structures, so that we may embody the full capabilities inherent to us as spirit, in form. This process is not an easy one. The crumbling of structures that have imprinted within themselves even the subtle, slippery belief of the necessity for these very structures. So stepping out of this feels shaky and even wrong. But even though it may feel shaky and unknown there is a deep remembrance of the necessity and more than that, entire correctness of this process. The casting off of these heavy fields is a task that has to happen, but the cost of it feels insurmountable whilst still standing within the structure - like a heavy cloak…