Conversations & Questions: 28/1/20
Post-Awakening Expectations and Staying in the 'Only Don't Know' Q: I can’t say that there have been any significant noticeable changes from Cosmic Consciousness to Unity Consciousness, is this common in your opinion? I guess it's hard not to be waiting for some unmistakable shift? Imogen: Yes, looking for certain experiences or markers post-awakening can get really tricky and can be counter productive, particularly if your awakening has been a slow unfolding process over many years like yours has been. It could be likened to you sitting in a warm bath and getting used to it, thinking it's gone cold, then when you wiggle your toes you recognise it's not cold you just adjusted to the heat. Here's maybe a tip for you.... Get curious, play and explore; in doing so you bump into life. Look more at the absence of stuff (triggers, old habits and patterns, old concepts and assumptions that have fallen away or been seen through) rather than a particular experience. Also those around you can be a wonderful mirror to show you what has changed in yourself. Awakening is not an adding to, but a desolation of old conditioning, concepts, false identifications, and misunderstandings of…