My Heart Breaks, I Pray for All

What is going on in the world affects us all on many different levels, both seen and unseen. For me, what's currently happening also feels a touch personal, closer to home in some small way. I made the mistake of going on social media today, barely a moment in and I realised this was not the place to be, not for me, not right now. Especially during a retreat, the very thing I advise people against during a retreat! So here I am instead, on - my little nook of the internet. I'm not sure if this post will ever make it elsewhere. -- I am horrified by what is going on in the world on all fronts. The divisiveness, the hate, the lines we have drawn in the sand, too many to count. It all feels impossible. How can we make our way through all of this? What is to be done? Today is the anniversary of my grandmothers death. She walks with me closely still to this day. In someways closer than ever... but that's a story for another day. My grandmother's family were Ukrainian Jews, my grandfather's, Russian Jews. The current war between the two was…

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A Day to Look Beyond Ourselves

It has not gone unnoticed by me that today much of humanity is celebrating in one way or another and looking towards that which unites us... that which is beyond our small personal, egoic human and material lives, and that which we all look to be exemplars of - our Divine Nature, our Christ Consciousness, our Buddha Nature, our Essence, our Primordial Self.   Whether you celebrate Easter, Passover, Ramadan, Hanuman Jayanti, or the Full Moon light, each in their own way points to something more, something beyond, something prior to our fleeting human experience. They point to the highest embodiment of our potential, the underlying fabric of existence. They point to what is possible to realise and embody for all of us. They point to those people and stories that modelled for us the chance to find within ourselves the principles of love and acceptance, of compassion and kindness, of courage and strength, of forgiveness and faith.   Our remembrance of our true nature is our highest calling all too often placed too far down in our pre-conditioned priorities of modern life. So it is days like these where much of the world is looking beyond themselves and their…

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A Place to Contemplate

We've lost the focus of a spiritual centre in communities and culture today. Don't get me wrong I am not advocating for religion in its traditional sense, but what I am noting is that life used to have a balance of both the practical or material and spiritual. At the heart of our communities used to sit a church or maybe a temple or synagogue, a mosque or even a shaman's huts. These were places to contemplate deeper and bigger ideas, bigger aspects than the day-to-day practicals of life. They also provided sanctuary of contemplation and silence, a place to look inward. Currently Martyn and I travel around almost constantly never staying in places for more than a month or two. In each of our adventures we seek out these places of quiet. It's in someways strange that I'm drawn to these spaces of worship because my parents never brought me to church (or to a synagogue as the case maybe) as a child. But in later life I have been drawn to the silence and contemplation that I find in these spaces. If you look around they are actually the only places where one can sit quietly, no phone…

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