Am I Enlightened?
Am I enlightened: I have no idea. I used to think I knew, I used to think I had some idea. I used to think it was important, I used to think it mattered. But now, now I feel I haven’t got a clue, and to be perfectly honest, I couldn’t care less. I certainly experienced a shift of perspective some years ago, a change of life that certainly blew the cobwebs out! Ken Wilber once said he's “enlightened enough” and that seems like a good enough answer to me. Enlightened enough to see through (most, certainly not all) of my egoic bullshit finally. Enlightened enough to see my true nature shining through. Enlightened enough to recognise that I’m not who and what I once thought I was. Enlightened enough to see my Humanity, and enlightened enough to see my Divinity. But I couldn’t care less how enlightened or un-enlightened you think I am or not. And I couldn’t care less about how enlightened or un-enlightened I come across! What I do care about is life and how life feels to be lived. That tangible direct experience OF life. What I do care about is people and the diverse human…