Lessons From the Spiritual Quest
We're living in unprecedented times, certainly in living memory. And with unprecedented times comes uncertainty and a big step into the unknown. There's no blueprint to follow. No way forward that can be relied on and measured against. No absolute solutions and answers. We are left flailing in the open-ended unknowingness of the moment, searching for a new 'norm', and whether we like it or not we're called to stay nimble, stay fresh, and change with the moment. So can we find peace and contentment in the midst of this, in the midst of uncertainty? I would argue that this is much of what the spiritual awakening journey shows us and a lot can be learnt and mirrored from it for these current times. Much of what characterises the spiritual quest is the breaking down of what you thought to be true and the emergence of a fresh perspective, often conception free and open with a lack of grasping at life - at least if you've really got down to the bottom of the quest. Or if you like - a spontaneous lived in the moment, unconditioned view of life. This requires a radical unknowingness and uncertainty because certainty is…