The Radiance of Being

What is it that lights up this moment? Not the sunlight spilling through the window, not the glow of screens, not the flash of an idea—but something quieter, deeper, constant. What is it that breathes life into all that you see, touch, and feel? There is a radiance to life that words cannot reach. It is not something you can grasp or hold; it cannot be defined or confined. It is the Light of Being itself, the essence that animates everything. You might call it Divine, you might call it Truth, or you might simply call it What Is. Whatever name you give it, it is here, now, as close as your own breath. We often miss this radiance, not because it is hidden, but because it is too close, too ordinary, too simple. The mind, restless and searching, looks outwards for what it can only find within. It seeks what it already is. This radiance is not something separate, not something "out there" to be attained. It is what you are. It is the heart of all existence, the light in which all things arise and fall. To see this is not to add something new to yourself, but…

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Conversations & Questions: 08/08/22

Q: What's your take on following a transmission and resting? It does appear to have an impact on the system, I slept when I returned home for 3-4 hours. Imogen: Yes, the transmissions can have an impact on the body in terms of the rest needed afterwards - many people report needing sleep/rest afterwards. Water also helps a lot to process energies. As I see the process: There are deep, fundamental energetic movements and openings happening to the entire system as a result of the transmission/attunement, even if we don't see or feel it obviously on the surface level. There's an integration period of the newly assimilated vibrational energetic footprint within the system - some call it a 'shift in consciousness'. Whether that be temporary or abiding, the most intense and tender part of this integration is immediately afterwards - hence recommending rest & water. The impact and dawning implications of a 'shift' like this can go on for days, weeks, months, even years afterwards, our system adapts for the most part very well. But yes, this is why I recommend resting for at least 15 minutes immediately after the transmission. Rest is our body's beautiful mechanism to process life,…

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Energetic Blocks: An Entry Point of Further Wisdom Learning

I often get asked about how to resolve blocked chakras or knots of stagnated energy in the system. My current hypotheses based on my experience working on the energetic level both with myself and others over the years is that I see energetic 'blocks' less of something in your way that needs to be gotten rid of or fixed, and more that there is a contraction of energy, or an unknown/unseen aspect of our experience where there is something we have not been (yet) able to meet with open hearted and loving curiosity. To me 'blocks' are actually where life is calling our attention to. An entry point of further wisdom learning. Contractions where our natural free flow of energetic movement is hindered somewhat for a time. It's not a mistake, it's life's conditioned response and actually a way of protecting us until we are ready and able to move through and be with that particular thing; When there can be capacity to hold it in a bigger context of Self, a bigger context of unconditional love and acceptance. We can learn from these blocks if we don't demonise them from the get-go as something that "shouldn't" be there. If…

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