In Service to The Divine

People think that awakening is something they are in control of, something they bring about. But I find myself in utter surrender to God, to Life, to Grace, to the Divine. It asks everything of me, in that I feel that no stone can go unturned where there is work to be done. Done by who? By life. It's been an emptying out for sure. Emptying out of that which is non-native, that which seemingly dims the light of consciousness, overshadowing and distorting our true nature temporarily. It feels like this process is that of ever polishing the diamond of the heart. Life-force energy often feeling like liquid diamonds - the energy further and further refining. The vessel of this mind-body, further and further refining so that it may be of service to the divine. That's what I feel like my job title is - "In service to the Divine". I often wonder how I found myself here, it certainly wasn't planned, or even desired! I feel like life got a hold of me, the Divine planted in my heart the whisper of itself, calling me home. What a strange thing to live in this world with this perspective, on…

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Energetic Blocks: An Entry Point of Further Wisdom Learning

I often get asked about how to resolve blocked chakras or knots of stagnated energy in the system. My current hypotheses based on my experience working on the energetic level both with myself and others over the years is that I see energetic 'blocks' less of something in your way that needs to be gotten rid of or fixed, and more that there is a contraction of energy, or an unknown/unseen aspect of our experience where there is something we have not been (yet) able to meet with open hearted and loving curiosity. To me 'blocks' are actually where life is calling our attention to. An entry point of further wisdom learning. Contractions where our natural free flow of energetic movement is hindered somewhat for a time. It's not a mistake, it's life's conditioned response and actually a way of protecting us until we are ready and able to move through and be with that particular thing; When there can be capacity to hold it in a bigger context of Self, a bigger context of unconditional love and acceptance. We can learn from these blocks if we don't demonise them from the get-go as something that "shouldn't" be there. If…

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Sacred Beautiful Life

This life is sacred. This body is sacred. This mind is sacred. These emotions and these thoughts are sacred. This fear and this grief is sacred. This existence is sacred. All of life's existence and expression is that of consciousness. Awareness-consciousness makes no distinction between the ordinary and the extraordinary, no distinction between the humanness and the divine. For all is the playground of existence. All is the sacred emanations of life. All held in the embrace of awareness. Do not presume to know better. Do not presume that your mind's judgment of what is holy and what is not means anything in the eyes of consciousness. For even the messy, fearful and supremely human expressions of consciousness are sacred and beautiful moments dancing in the light of awareness. Even the protestations of right and wrong, the valuing and the rejecting of this or that, even these too are sacred expressions to be experienced and tasted fully. Can you include it all? Because how is it possible to not? Can you really truly reject anything if even that rejection is included too? That which turns up as us and in us is there through Grace, it's there as the wisdom…

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