Conversations & Questions: 08/08/22
Q: What's your take on following a transmission and resting? It does appear to have an impact on the system, I slept when I returned home for 3-4 hours. Imogen: Yes, the transmissions can have an impact on the body in terms of the rest needed afterwards - many people report needing sleep/rest afterwards. Water also helps a lot to process energies. As I see the process: There are deep, fundamental energetic movements and openings happening to the entire system as a result of the transmission/attunement, even if we don't see or feel it obviously on the surface level. There's an integration period of the newly assimilated vibrational energetic footprint within the system - some call it a 'shift in consciousness'. Whether that be temporary or abiding, the most intense and tender part of this integration is immediately afterwards - hence recommending rest & water. The impact and dawning implications of a 'shift' like this can go on for days, weeks, months, even years afterwards, our system adapts for the most part very well. But yes, this is why I recommend resting for at least 15 minutes immediately after the transmission. Rest is our body's beautiful mechanism to process life,…