Fear is a call into the unknown beyond the known, and the mind hates nothing more than the unknown. The mind is the realm of the known, the content of life, but our essential ground of Self is beyond that, it’s prior to the known content. It’s not the object, it’s the subject – the seer, or awareness of the object or content.
And so fear arises because the mind cannot grasp the magnitude and scope of what lies beyond it. It can’t find the edges and boundaries that it looks for. This is because objects have edges but Being has no edges, no start, no finish, no physical attributes for which the mind can grasp on to, categorise and ‘know’.
So arises this fear.
This panic.
This free-fall
into the unknown.
The fear that it will never get ‘it’. The fear that it can’t control ‘it’. But there is no ‘it’ so both of those fears in a way are very well founded in Truth.
Fear isn’t something to circumnavigate, something to avoid. It’s just a sensation, often intense, arising in awareness. It shows us where our boundaries lie still, it shows us what has already been lit up in awareness, it shows us where our known comfort of the mind is. But who and what we are lays beyond the boundaries and comfort of the mind. Don’t let the presence of fear tell you to stop. Instead make friends with it, it will show where your false edges are. Let it be your guiding light, lighting the path of darkness. Let go into the unknown and you will discover the unknowingness of your Self.