All these thoughts whirling around in your head
The whys and hows and what ifs
The past regrets and plans of the future
The shoulds and the should nots
Just stop
Stop holding on to them
Stop giving energy to them
Stop indulging them
Stop pushing them away
Stop trying to fix them
Just stop
There’s nothing to be figured out
No puzzle piece that needs to be found
No magical understanding which will make all of this make sense
Let go of all these thoughts
Keep letting go all day long
Abide in that which is aware of all these thoughts coming and going
Stay there
Stop going to the thoughts as if they’ll be the answer
Stay where you are
Could it be so simple?
This is Perfect! Everyone needs to read this morning, day, and night!
The world might be a remarkably saner place in which to spend some apparent time in if they did! Thank you, thank you, thank you! les.