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Pick Yourself Up, Dust Yourself Off

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  • Reading time:8 mins read
Sometimes life brings you to your knees.
Floors you with it’s strong wisdom.
Shows you where the shadows still lie.
Where the aspects of yourself are that still go unmet.
It’s a calling that when ignored
to be seen, to be heard.
It’s a gut punch of a moment
one that takes the breath away
and leaves all else quivering in its wake.
All else stops.
So you stop with it
close the eyes
and listen.
Listen to where life is taking you.
Listen to what life is showing you.
Listen to your heart, to your soul, to your Being.
No more strategies
No more solutions
No more resistance
No more avoidance
Just simply what is.
And in that silence
all is found.
All the mess
all the heartbreak
all the mistrust
being met fully.
All the darkness comes into the light.
The opening of yourself so vast that the edge is never met
The melting of all the hurt and violence into acceptance and love.
Love wins out.
And so you pick yourself up
and dust yourself off
and on you go
heart fully cracked open
with love.

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