Trusting Your Way

There are SOOO many different ways of doing this work of holding space and guiding & supporting others. And so many ways of awakening to our nature and integrating and embodying that fully in the human expression that we are. Infinite ways of Being. If I could ever impart anything to anyone - It is to trust YOUR way. To not assume that just because there's someone, a teacher or such, that seems amazing, and they have all the answers and they are doing it the way you aspire to even, that their way is the "correct" way (for you). Do not diminish and take for granted the wisdom that you hold, through your life experience, through your body, through the embodied spark of consciousness that you are, the particular flavour and footprint of your life. That this is actually what life has gifted this world and birthed into existence and it's not a mistake at all. We cannot dishonour life or ourselves by assuming that there is any part of who and what we are that is incorrect. And in that way you can use other people as a model and a mirror, but never step away from the…

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Conversations & Questions: 08/08/22

Q: What's your take on following a transmission and resting? It does appear to have an impact on the system, I slept when I returned home for 3-4 hours. Imogen: Yes, the transmissions can have an impact on the body in terms of the rest needed afterwards - many people report needing sleep/rest afterwards. Water also helps a lot to process energies. As I see the process: There are deep, fundamental energetic movements and openings happening to the entire system as a result of the transmission/attunement, even if we don't see or feel it obviously on the surface level. There's an integration period of the newly assimilated vibrational energetic footprint within the system - some call it a 'shift in consciousness'. Whether that be temporary or abiding, the most intense and tender part of this integration is immediately afterwards - hence recommending rest & water. The impact and dawning implications of a 'shift' like this can go on for days, weeks, months, even years afterwards, our system adapts for the most part very well. But yes, this is why I recommend resting for at least 15 minutes immediately after the transmission. Rest is our body's beautiful mechanism to process life,…

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Conversations & Questions: 21/04/20

Q: How does one receive a transmission? How does one receive anything? Practically speaking nothing need be 'done' to receive a Divine Light Transmission (Shaktipat), other than a general 'yes' and open-heartedness to life's possibilities - I'd say this is true for receiving anything, from love to physical gifts and help, or even hard lessons in life. To receive is to be open and humble to receive. A Divine Light Transmission doesn't require your belief or faith per se, more an openness (even just a little will do) that goes beyond non-belief as this can deliberately close you off energetically to the potential spiritual growth that can come through a transmission - or any other form in life for that matter! I myself was incredibly skeptical, but still open to the possibilities transmissions before my own direct experience became the testimony for its potency and lasting transformation in my life. It took me by surprise, and often still does... But I get the sense you're asking a different kind of question here, a deeper more existential one that requires a more nuanced response. Transmission from the non-dual view of reality So... how can one 'receive' a transmission if this is…

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Personal ‘I’ vs Awareness ‘I’

There’s an assumption that when I say “you are awareness/consciousness” that I’m talking of I-personal/ego/individual I/you. Firstly I want to clarify that when I speak of I/me/you in conjunction with awareness I’m talking of the non-personal ‘I’ that is consciousness. That is awareness. The you (big Self, I-I) that IS awareness-consciousness.

It seems to be common that when someone realizes that who they took themselves to be (the mind-body ‘I’) is untrue, it’s seen that at the heart of experiencing there is nothingness/emptiness/awareness. This is true. But I urge you to not stop there, look/inquire deeper into this recognition.


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