Keep Quiet; The Seeing Is the Doing

Keep quiet, let the mind flail around and burn itself out with exhaustion... you don't need to go to war with life, trying to subdue and submit it to some image of how it 'should be'. Eventually you’ll come to recognise the constant ground in all of this is you, awareness you. Awareness that holds within it all the multitudes and flavours of experiencing, effortlessly without tire. Keep quiet and this shall be known, the seeing is the only doing necessary, all else that you find yourselves doing is in support of that... every practice, every book, every teaching, every circumstance that life throws at you, every dead-end, every challenging relationship, every 'wrong' turn... all in support of life showing you the nature of life, showing the groundless ground of Being - Awareness. Consciousness. Self.

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Am I Enough?

It's hard to believe that we just have to be ourself and that is enough. It's enough to include all that we are and exclude none of it. Most of us feel that life requires the opposite of this, and so to have that recognition "that I am enough" feels like a miracle, a miracle that we doubt all too easily as not being true. But it is it nonetheless, that we get to be who we are, entirely ourself, no bells or whistles and this is enough, this is it. It's a wonderful realisation because at the end of the day that's all we've got anyway. When we've been stripped of all ideas and ideals of everything we think we 'should' be and left naked standing here as we actually are. We never think that which we are could be loved, or maybe even liked if we show the entirety of ourself. We feel that for sure we have to work very hard to not be this or that part of ourself. But life teaches us that if you learn to love all of YOURSELF, you are free. And in that freedom, those that gather around you, will love…

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The Antifragility of Freedom

What is your capacity to be with loss, to be with grief and sadness and loneliness, to be with fear? What is your capacity to embody all aspects of the human experience, not just the ‘good’ stuff? It’s not that we need to go looking for this stuff, court it, wallow in it, seek it out. But it will inevitably find you, one way or another. If you spend your life running from this, finding safe ground away from the mud and melee of life, when it does show up it will feel overwhelming and scary, it will feel like it could break you, even worse, it could kill you. This safe space, this gilded cage that you have created from life will be shaken to the core. Your fragility will become apparent. Freedom is the ability to encompass and embrace it all, it’s the antifragility of life. It’s the allowance of the full expression of life to move through you unimpeded. Root out where you are feeling fragile with life. Become aware of it and the tendency to avoid it at all cost. The seeing of this tendency, the noticing of what it FEELS like, how the body responds…

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Conversations & Questions: 08/08/20

Q: I’ve been a seeker for many years, and am getting simply tired and exhausted with it … I’ve had my share of spiritual experiences that their memory has kept me going in feeling that the “Self” is not a charade created to soothe the aching soul of us. So I just sat with your kind Divine Light Transmission. Thank you, greatly appreciated what you are doing. I must confess I kind of gave up on any hope for this life … I’ve suffered a lot internally. I get confused when I see some hope like you "transmit". It’s sometimes easier to keep ones head down and push till the end of this one and hope that we are just matter and that we don’t have to thru this again and again or if we do -- just get the next phase of it. I felt you are a kindred soul and might have some words of advice in these turbulent times which my internal life seems to reflect.  [Note: This is a shortened version of a message I received with all the personal details taken out.] Imogen: I would say it’s less hope and more love, freedom and the seeming…

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The Oak That Grows

By Grace there has been a fierce love of life,  love of love, love of truth, planted in the heart as a tiny tender seed. That seed grows in the soil of mess and muck, where unmet and unseen feelings of life live. Where the hardship and sorrow, fear and loneliness, doubt and confusion, lack of self love and self acceptance are abundant. Yet that hardy seed still grows. Not in spite of, but because of. It finds its roots, its stem, its leaves in amongst depression and grief, hopelessness and despair, and it used them as fuel for a it's tender blossoming fruit and flower. That seed grows into a mighty oak. And that oak knows the true meaning of unconditional love and acceptance. That oak knows its Self. Its fruition may have been hard won, fought in the mud and messiness of life. But in that messiness was found to be true harmony. It was found to be all. It was found to be Self. It was found to be HOME.

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Lurching Through Life

We go lurching from one action to another all in the name of trying to pin down and find a sense of stability, find a resolution. All to avoid or fix the strong feelings and sensations arising in the body-mind. If only we could slow down or even stop in those moments, find our centre, find our inherent stability of Beingness and then observe what action comes about from this. Not an action based out of reactivity and fear but an action based from the quietness and centered-ness, stability even, of Self. An action that isn't impeded by the conditioned mind, an action that is natural, spontaneous and correct for the moment. Trying to 'get away from' is the source of so much suffering, quite often the thing we're trying to get away from isn't half as much trouble and suffering as the act of trying to avoid the feeling or sensation arising around it. We jump from moment to moment constantly chasing or being chased, never realising that what we seek isn't over there but here... in this moment, in the heart of this experience should we take the time to look, to BE. What it actually takes is…

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The Shifting Ground of Relationships

I was reflecting the other day on the fact that I had a massive shift in 2015, a shift that the consequences of which continue to unfold and deepen still today, so much so that I’m unrecognisable in so many ways. That change required those closest to me, those that interacted and related with me intimately to change in those relationships too. It’s not something that could be avoided, and it wasn’t their choice if this change occurred or not. But it also wasn’t my choice too. Life changed the game and asked me to step up to something different, and that different was unfamiliar and out of any sense of comfort zone, for me and for them. The game changed and with it we all had to learn what that meant. In some ways I want to say sorry, sorry that it’s been unexpected and often difficult. I’ve required of them more than most. To radically shift with me, with life. It wasn’t something I asked for, but it’s something that happened. I know they didn’t ask for it, I know they didn’t maybe want it at times, and I bow with the acknowledgment of that. I bow to…

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Before You Judge Another

Before you judge and condemn another no matter how bad or wrong you feel they may be, take a moment to see where they are coming from. Take a moment to listen, to feel. Take a moment to listen and feel where you are coming from too - no matter how justified your anger might feel in the moment... just take a moment, take a breath. We all have the capability to act in ways that are hurtful and harmful. We all have the capability to act out of fear, misguidance and misunderstanding. We all have the capability to lash out and act out when we're feeling threatened or scared, unheard or unloved. I don't believe that human beings are fundamentally bad. Each and every one of us is striving, however imperfectly for love, is striving for acceptance, is striving for happiness, is striving for peace, is striving for inclusivity and oneness. We are striving for the same thing, all of us. We may go about it in f****d up ways. We may go about it in ways that to the outside world don't match up to ideas of what that search should like. We may go about it in…

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Change Begins Within

I don't know about you, but I feel it's a very intense time right now calling for us, both individually and collectively to take a look at that which is in the shadows and bring it into the light so that it may be seen. We're being asked to stretch and change and grow, and that can get intense and uncomfortable. We're being asked to let go of the old and step into the new. Change is a beautiful opportunity, one that hopefully we're able to welcome and celebrate, even with the presence of discomfort and unknowingness. But change always begins within ourselves. Trying to enact change on a wider collective level from its own level can only ever provide a temporary bandage. Because then it becomes an imposition or a rule from the outside, rather than an emanation or reflection of the heart in how a person truly, naturally and spontaneously interacts and acts in and with life. It's not to say we should give up trying to make change and transformation happen in the collective, whether that be in our closer relationships, in our communities, in our societies, or on a global scale; but it's to say that…

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To Be Held

Sometimes you just want someone to hear you, to see you, without needing to fix you or explain away your pain and confusion. To hold the space, the pregnant silence, the love for all that you're going through. To not project into the void of uncomfortableness and fill it with solutions, comparisons and stories. To be okay with just having the space be about you and only you. To create a refuge and safety for you to go through what you're going through. To compassionately be there for you, to listen to you and not make it in any way about them. To give you space without any needs or any conditions or any time limits. Sometime you really WANT this. Sometimes you really NEED this. We all do. And that's okay, that's not bad or wrong. Let it sink in... WE ALL NEED TO BE HEARD AND HELD SOMETIMES. When you do receive this gift of space freely and wholly given, it lights up your heart, it lights up your world. The healing that comes from this act of being held, this act compassion and tender love is immense. But it's not always easy to find it in those…

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The Intensity of Change

There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t feel grateful for who and what life brings my way - like this view yesterday... just up the road from me, not far from where I was born. I’ve had a rough week of strong stuff coming up and that’s okay, I truly welcome it all. There's a lot of change and a lot of growth happening, both for me personally and collectively too. Growth and change can be intense and uncomfortable to integrate and hold space for, to let go of the old and welcome in the new. It requires everything of you, and requires you to suspend all sense of knowingness and certainty. No matter how many times I go through this, it doesn't get easier, or should I say the process doesn't get more comfortable. Yes I may have less resistance and more acceptance, compassion and understanding for the process - so on a deeper level it does make it easier. But it requires patience as it inevitably gets messy and sometimes downright ugly. There are so many people who are having such a difficult time of it right now and yes there will always be those…

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Letting the Old Fall Away

Transformation comes when the old conditioning and ways of thinking that inevitably cease to serve are let go of. Their cracks begin to show, yet there's still comfort felt in them as they're known like an old pair of slippers whose time of service has come to an end. But when life is calling for growth and change these old habits being to feel like an increasingly heavy straightjacket, keeping one foot planted in the past. We are never who we were even yesterday and that which may have served us dearly invariably has to be sacrificed in service of what is happening in the current moment. A step into the new and unknown may seem like a scary risk but let your loyalty be to the NOW. Let your loyalty be with what is opening up before you and you will see the fruits of this trust in life's wisdom. Even though there may be trepidation, notice how fully you are held. Life comes up to meet you with each step, even when there's fear, even when there's hesitation, even when there's resistance. Life asks of us that leap of faith, that bold courage as we let ourselves be…

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All Encompassing Love

Make friends with that aspect of yourself that you are rejecting or avoiding, those aspects that you judge or deem unsavoury. That which we reject are often those aspects that require the most love, the most compassion, the most kindness, the most attention in-order that they be integrated into the wholeness of our Being. Those gnarly, messy, 'bad' rejected bits of ourselves are often being called to be transmuted into acceptance and love. For love is the greatest power in the universe. Love has the power to move beyond all seeming boundaries and inhabit every aspect of life. Love has the power to transcend any sense of separation or 'other-isation'. Love has the power to encompass it all. So fall in love with all of yourself, all of life, and you will see that that love is eternal and ever-present even in amongst the mess.

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Peace Chaser

'Peace chaser' is what I sometimes refer to the phenomena of someone seeking for the outward to always be peaceful so that THEY can then feel like a peaceful and spiritual person (I was one of those trust me....big time...). Spoiler alert: It's a trap, it's a red herring, it's the opposite of freedom, of liberation. It's a gilded cage of maintaining and trying to keep hold of peace as a 'thing'. It's mood making rather than a sign of true spiritual awakening. True peace is not a 'thing' to be maintained, it's not a persona to adopt or a lifestyle to achieve. It's a natural misunderstanding, that yearning for peace and looking for it as an experience. It's not wrong - the intention is good, the search for lasting peace and happiness. It's where someone's had a taste that that peace (non-suffering) is possible and so there's a perfectly natural sense of "I want that, that's what I'm after - peace". But unfortunately it's trying to put the cart before the horse and create what the mind THINKS is peace in the environment rather than ACTUAL abiding peace in the heart. It's looking at peace as a prescription to…

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Lessons From the Spiritual Quest

We're living in unprecedented times, certainly in living memory. And with unprecedented times comes uncertainty and a big step into the unknown. There's no blueprint to follow. No way forward that can be relied on and measured against. No absolute solutions and answers. We are left flailing in the open-ended unknowingness of the moment, searching for a new 'norm', and whether we like it or not we're called to stay nimble, stay fresh, and change with the moment. So can we find peace and contentment in the midst of this, in the midst of uncertainty? I would argue that this is much of what the spiritual awakening journey shows us and a lot can be learnt and mirrored from it for these current times. Much of what characterises the spiritual quest is the breaking down of what you thought to be true and the emergence of a fresh perspective, often conception free and open with a lack of grasping at life - at least if you've really got down to the bottom of the quest. Or if you like - a spontaneous lived in the moment, unconditioned view of life. This requires a radical unknowingness and uncertainty because certainty is…

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Despair and the Dreams of Imagination

When the dreams of imagination fall short despair finds its way to the surface of your awareness. Despair is what's left singing its sorrowful song and haunting the corridors of imagination when the is-ness of life has other plans for you. Despair is felt deeply when your life fails to live up to the mind's impossible standards. But despair is also a gift. It gives a clue, an inkling, a map of discovery into where there's still loyalty to expectations and conditions. So make friends with despair, ask it to show you what secrets it hides under its facade. What dreams were lost, what false realities were kept on its pedestal of desire, and what binds it still places on life that are yet to be released. Despair as a yardstick to what we hold as sacred is a true gift. It leaves us with no doubt of where there's still a chasm between our fanciful ideas and the lived reality. So don't demonise and pathologise the emergence of despair, it's there for a reason and that reason is ultimately love. When we find love and acceptance for the deepest depths of our reality, despair is finally laid to rest…

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Loving Boundaries

"Love sometimes looks like having strong boundaries" Story time... Boundaries are something I've always struggled with, in fact it's probably been THE number one struggle in life for me. While it's almost unrecognisably night and day compared with how it used to be, I still do struggle with it because that conditioning is so well ingrained. But luckily life shows up in ways to test where I still have trouble standing in my healthy and necessary boundaries. And so boundaries is a topic I've shied away from writing about up until now, not because I don't want to (believe me I've started to write about boundaries countless times!) but mainly because it's such a big topic for me that I didn't even know where to begin - posts ended up rambling and jumping all over the place. I think it's also difficult because I'm still walking it, I'm still living the learning and growing from it. It's raw, it's intimate, it's a big unknown because I'm not talking of a subject that's all wrapped up in a neat bow, it's woven throughout the fabric of my story in ways that I'm sure I haven't yet gotten the big enough perspective…

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Love Not Fear: Freedom of Speech

I saw an article about a popular video platform (ahem... shall remain nameless) banning "medically unsubstantiated" content today... It's not the first thing I've seen in recent weeks and months on various platforms that brings into question freedom of speech and censoring of content all in the name of trying to curb "misinformation" or "fake news". Once upon a time misinformation or fake news would have been to call the earth round rather than flat. It would have been a heresy to suggest it even but science and understanding is a constantly evolving thing, a working hypothesis rather than an 'Absolute Truth'.   Lack of freedom of speech honestly terrifies me as a proposition for society. It's not even the thin end of the wedge... I think we're past that analogy. I understand the imperative need to work and pull together as a collective, especially right now but not in the name of shutting down exploration, not in the name of shutting down thinking outside of the box.   To try and calcify and control life's expressions and evolution is madness. And while I do see a lot of weird and opposing views and opinions out there, even those termed…

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Conversations & Questions: 21/04/20

Q: How does one receive a transmission? How does one receive anything? Practically speaking nothing need be 'done' to receive a Divine Light Transmission (Shaktipat), other than a general 'yes' and open-heartedness to life's possibilities - I'd say this is true for receiving anything, from love to physical gifts and help, or even hard lessons in life. To receive is to be open and humble to receive. A Divine Light Transmission doesn't require your belief or faith per se, more an openness (even just a little will do) that goes beyond non-belief as this can deliberately close you off energetically to the potential spiritual growth that can come through a transmission - or any other form in life for that matter! I myself was incredibly skeptical, but still open to the possibilities transmissions before my own direct experience became the testimony for its potency and lasting transformation in my life. It took me by surprise, and often still does... But I get the sense you're asking a different kind of question here, a deeper more existential one that requires a more nuanced response. Transmission from the non-dual view of reality So... how can one 'receive' a transmission if this is…

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Worthy Love

You feel say you feel undeserving and unworthy of love but may I remind you that you ARE love. Love courses through your very being, it is the fabric of your existence. To say you are unworthy of it is like saying the sky is unworthy of being the sky because it has clouds in it. Just because life shows up in a multitude of ways, some of which we deem 'bad' does not make you unworthy of love. In fact it makes it all the more necessary to discover the underlying truth of that love that pervades all and that is the groundless ground of it all. It becomes all the more vital to discover the ground of your love so that you don't get caught in the belief that this or that thought or action IS all there is to you. Make no mistake your messy humanness in all its manifestations IS part of your divine love story. It is an intimate part of you. Part of your path, part of your love song. Just as a knot in a tree trunk is part of the tree. But the thing that courses through your veins and through your…

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Conversations & Questions: 17/1/20

Did I Miss My Chance for Awakening?   Q: I feel like it's too late for me, I missed my chance of awakening. Too late... too late for what and for who? These are fears born of the mind, see this and you shall be free of this fear. "Too late" suggests awakening only happens in certain circumstances under certain rules and conditions, that you only get one chance at it, or that it's only available for a finite few who deserve it. These are ideas and implications built from the mind (or learnt from others) about what awakening is or isn't and allowed to run free with the fear of 'missed chances'. But awakening doesn't happen TO the person, awakening is FROM the person. It's not anything the person DOES to achieve. It is the seeing through the facade of the person and in many ways it's Grace that places that insight in the heart of you. Awakening is the description of consciousness waking up to itself, of consciousness knowing itself. But you are already consciousness whether your mind sees this or not. It really only comes down to a pernicious belief stuck in the mind and taking false…

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A Celebration of Existence

A life of freedom is to embrace it all. The highs AND the lows, the light AND the shadow. To celebrate each moment as entirely divine and magical, yet fully ordinary and mundane. To enjoy the textures and colours of existence, without judgment or division. To be able to fall in love with it all. The silence AND the noise, the calm AND the chaos. Life is here for us to enjoy, because life as we experience it is a continuous celebration of existence. Where there is seeming conflict and opposition sink into the resolution in the heart, where there is room for even the most extreme of paradoxes. Where there is grief and regret surrender into the compassion and understanding of the heart, where there is forgiveness for it all. Where there is confusion and doubt allow yourself to swim in the unknowing mystery of the heart, where no answers or definites are required. Where there is striving and longing let go into the heart of this moment, where everything is perfectly unfolding without exception. Welcome each moment with the fullness of your heart, with the fullness of acceptance and love for all that life is. Give your existence…

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Oh Merciful Love

Oh Merciful Love! Is not this love a universal love? A universal and all forgiving love. You fear your actions put you beyond redemption, beyond forgiveness. But what is unforgivable in the eyes of love? Grace has no such judgements of deservedness or not. Grace seeps into the hearts of all those who welcome her, of all those that open their hearts to the possibility of love. There are none so evil, so bad, so unredeemable that cannot be seen in the light of love when the understanding of what makes us do what we do is given space to dance. Grace is merciful, Grace is kind, Grace fills the air with the loving embrace of a mother unconditionally accepting her children back into the fold, endlessly time and time again. Don't be fooled into thinking that you are unworthy of love. Unworthiness comes from the realm of judgement and assumptions of action being unforgivable. Just look deeper: all action yearns for love, for wholeness, for acceptance. In its way all action comes from love no matter how misguided and utterly messy the results may be. So let us fall ceaselessly in love; let us fall fully into the arms…

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Have Faith

We all have a relationship with faith whether we're conscious of it or not. Faith in your self Faith in your body, in your health Faith in human nature Faith in your ability to know fact from fiction Faith in your resilience, your gifts and aptitudes Faith in your power and your drive to achieve Faith in your learning, in your knowledge, your education Faith in your spiritual practice or your meditation Faith in your loved ones, your family, your friends Faith in society, in community, even faith in government or systems Faith in gravity and other in scientific explanations of life Faith in something more than yourself, a higher power, an unseen force of life Faith in nature, in mother earth Faith in God, Gods or Goddesses Faith in the divine Faith in love Faith in trust Faith in truth Faith in life Even your non-faith has faith in that So can your faith be greater than your fear? Can you let yourself surrender into faith rather than go with the contraction into control and mistrust, where you lose sight of that faith in life to show you the way no matter what? Can you choose love and trust of life…

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Current Times: Practical Advice

Boy oh boy it's been an intense year so far! I've noticed a massively heightened presence of energy in myself and had others report the same since around the end of January, before the covid-19 situation really took hold in much of the world. But I had no idea what was coming and it's become the new norm, the energetic intensity and the ground shifting beneath the feet, only time will tell where or if it will settle. Overall I feel there's also a beautiful opportunity right now to face the things that are being forced to the surface of experience, many of which were always already lurking in the shadows, with compassion and kindness - both on an individual level and a collective or global level. I've actually been blown away by the kindness and love I'm seeing on both small and large scales, it's incredibly heart opening and beautiful to see that our nature of love shines through in times like these. The ground is shifting quickly beneath our feet and that mirrors the process of awakening in a way. It's the dissolution of the certainty and assumptions of stability that were being falsely held on to, falsey…

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